AB2390 Would Have Strengthened Prop 47 As Part Of A Comprehensive Solution To Retail Theft That Protects Customers, Retail Employees, And Neighborhoods
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — After Assembly Bill 2390 was pulled by the author from consideration in the Assembly Public Safety committee, California Retailers Association (who is a co-sponsor of the bill) President and CEO, and Chair of the Californians for Safe Stores and Neighborhoods coalition, Rachel Michelin issued the following statement in response:
“Members of the Assembly Public Safety committee made it clear — they wanted to address retail theft in a balanced manner that safeguards existing criminal justice reforms while demonstrating they are attentive to the safety of customers, retail employees, and neighborhoods.
While AB 2390 would have done just that by opening the door for additional offenders to be eligible for diversion programs in furtherance of Proposition 47, the Assembly Public Safety committee proposed amendments that completely undermined the spirit of the bill and failed to address the root causes of retail theft.
It is time the Committee let the Legislature do its job and consider balanced proposals relating to retail theft. Californians are looking for answers, not watered-down amendments.”
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Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi (D – Torrance), in partnership with the California Retailers Association and California Hotel and Lodging Association, introduced Assembly Bill 2390, which would (have) strengthen(ed) existing Proposition 47 (2014) provisions by allowing separate instances of retail theft to be counted in aggregate toward the existing $950 felony threshold. The bill balances the felony threshold with off ramps that would provide diversion programs and job trainings to offer alternatives to incarceration.
AB 2390 requires adoption by two-thirds of both state houses and the Governor’s signature but does not require voter approval, as it has been deemed to be in furtherance of Proposition 47 as enacted by voters