California COVID-19 Page
CRA is in active conversations with the Newsom Administration on issues related to COVID-19. We wanted to give members resources pertaining to executive orders and other issues related to the Administration’s actions regarding the pandemic.
If you are a member of CRA and the CRA team can be of assistance on specific issues/questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Email cra@calretailers.com. We will continue to update members as we receive relevant communications related to COVID-19.
Visit this page for the most up to date information regarding COVID-19 in California.
Workplace safety and health regulations in California require employers to take steps to protect workers exposed to infectious diseases like the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), which is widespread in the community.
CRA's Vice President of Public Policy is a member of the Cal/OSHA Advisory Committee providing CRA members a voice on current and future regulatory rule making.
Latest Update:
The Second Readopted ETS took effect in California January 14. CalOSHA has issued a revised set of FAQ’s to clarify the new requirements for exclusion of COVID cases and close contacts based on the new CDC guidance and CDPH order. To access FAQ’s click here, select “CDPH Isolation and Quarantine Section”.
Despite no mention of social distancing in either the CDC recommendations or the CDPH order, CalOSHA is retaining a social distancing requirement in the case of boosted close contacts who cannot obtain a test or otherwise do not test by Day 5 after exposure.
- Q: What if tests cannot be obtained following a close contact?
A: If employees covered by Table 2 cannot be tested as required, quarantine must continue for at least 10 days as explained in the table. If employees covered by Table 3 cannot be tested on day 5, employers should follow the ETS. For vaccinated close contacts, as of January 14, 2022, that means wearing a face covering and maintaining six feet of distance for 14 days following the close contact.(emphasis added)
The reinstatement of the stay on the OSHA vaccine mandate at the federal level means CalOSHA’s governing board will not adopt the state-level mandate as had been planned. Stay tuned for more updates.