News Release


CRA Responds to Passage of Final State Budget

Media Contacts: Sarah Pollo 916-410-7506

CRA President and CEO Rachel Michelin Issues Statement on Passage of Final State Budget

Sacramento, CA – June 26, 2020 – California Retailers Association President Rachel Michelin issued the following statement in response to today’s passage of the final state budget, which is expected to be signed by Governor Gavin Newsom.

“CRA is pleased the budget deal came together between Governor Newsom and the State Legislature and the budget restores cuts to important medical services including the preservation of MediCal reimbursements for continuous glucose monitors. This action can improve outcomes for diabetes patients, lower COVID-19 risk of complications and death, especially among ethnic minorities, and relieve General Fund budget pressures.

The California retail industry, however, is deeply concerned about the $4.4 billion in annual tax increases on business. California’s economy is still reeling from the pandemic-induced recession, which is not expected to end anytime soon, and businesses continue to struggle to keep their doors open. Now is not the time to further restrict cash-flow, which in turn will further reduce sales and corporate tax revenue for a state and local budgets already severely constrained. 

Now, more than ever, we need lawmakers to hold the line on any further increases if we want California’s economy to recover. CRA also urges California voters to reject the Split-Roll tax measure on the November ballot, which, if passed, will further hamstring our economy adding to already increasing costs to consumers, forcing businesses to permanently shut down and could ultimately drive more businesses and jobs out of state.”  


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